South Alberta Nanton to Fort Macleod

Beautiful sunny day, I took off from Nanton South Alberta, around 9am. Still on Hwy 2, not the best for cycling you can see how fast trucks go by; I think the most important now is to reach spring, means go south as fast as I can. After the morning around 13pm the wind started to blow, after one hour, I was speaking French loud and clear against the wind! The wind is strong, the cycling became hard, I did push as much as I could, to reach Fort Macleod. Once here I saw a wonderful camp site, but choose a nice Motel instead.

(I did  check the weather forecast the day before).
Information is vital when traveling in harsh conditions. For the trucks and the Hwy 2 I just cross fingers, but the rain... There is not finger crossing you will always get wet. To get the video of the Hwy 2 experience click on the link...

Big cars... I understand now why people use big cars here, back in Europe we can not fully understand and we usually look at those big SUV's like unusual thing... Especially when we are supposed to go green. Here is very easy to ride on not paved road, and with dirt and mud. You wish not come here with one European fancy nice looking car.
You will not go far.
Fort Macleod. I arrived yesterday after a big fight with face wind. On the road I was shaken every now and than by strong gust, loosing my direction, and keeping my focus and balance, not to be thrown in the wrong lane. Not to mention the strength of the wind: On a gentle downhill I could not go faster than 27km/h. Elements are not really pushing me forward. I must insist. I have to keep up the hope.
And the sun will raise again.
