The 11th of May I arrived in Big Fork, a little
town on a beautiful lake not far away from Columbia Falls. That was a nice day
ride, in beautiful Montana; took small roads in the country side. And yes! I
left Highway 2 for good!!! No more big trucks and speedy cars to stress my
soul. When I arrived in Big Fork, I found a wonderful cottage just before a
bridge. I decided to write something in a bar or a restaurant, using the Wi-Fi
and put some stuff on my blog, that’s one easy thing to do I thought…
The day after I was in a really bad hangover state of mind… Thank you all!!! So I decided to stay one more day, and enjoyed a little walk and some little writings. I went back to Rendez Vous bar, were Travis was laughing at me for the previous night. I don’t have to say it clearly, but the second night went almost in the same way as the first, I just behaved better, had few beers, and always good talks.
(Here are some views of Big Fork)
People are so opened and warm here in America that after 5 minutes I started telling my story to some people, and so we started to share beers and cheers J. We sat on the wonderful terrace, and enjoyed each other, sharing stories, talking about, Europe, America, politics, economy, my travel, dangerous animals and so on… Beers after beers. The talks became more and more interesting. And I still have to understand people back in Europe telling me. First: In America people don’t talk politics, completely untruth! Second: They drink only Budweiser and beers like that… Completely untruth!! There are so many small breweries here in America, and they brew hell of a good beer!!! You Swiss have to try it once J
Finally I did not get the chance to write anything. That day I walked back home trying to take a night time picture of the beautiful Big Fork down town, could not do it… I tried as good as I could to keep my steps straight and walked back home.
Every person I meet here in America, are a little piece of my travel, a piece of love that I get while going through this wonderful country. There is so much to share and give to each other, that is really difficult to stay in the wonderful cottage.
I love Montana! And I love you, people from Montana!!!
(Here are some views of Big Fork)
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